

Snowshoes for Rent

As a benefit of membership ($25 level and up), MooseWood Nature Center members can rent snowshoes for Free.

Snowshoes are available for rent during open hours on Saturday and Sunday, 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. They can be picked up and returned on weekends or during a previously arranged date and time.

Not-Yet Member Rental Fees:

Daily-$5 (weekends only-must be returned by 4:00 p.m.)

Weekend (2 days)-$8 (for example, pick-up Saturday, return by 4:00 p.m. Sunday)

Week (7 days)-$15 (for example, pick-up on Saturday, return the next Saturday by 4:00 p.m.)

At this time, cash and check are accepted only, collected upon pick-up of snowshoes. Credit card information is required. A $100 (adult) or $80 (youth) fee (per pair) will be charged if snowshoes are not returned.

Snowshoe Return: When returning snowshoes, please remove all dirt and debris that may have collected from use. Thank you.


Snowshoe Styles Available at MooseWood:

Sherpa Walkers- available in adult (one pair available for a heavier load) and youth sizes

Tubbs Discovery 27- available in adult sizes  (one pair available for a heavier load)

L.L. Bean Winter Walker 19- one pair available in youth size only

Lund Co. and Tubbs Vintage rawhide wooden snowshoes- available in adult sizes only


To learn more about snowshoes and how to choose-types, sizing, frames and decking, and bindings click here.


snowshoes red

Tips for Using Snowshoes:

Be Safe and Warm Up

  • If your snowshoeing solo, tell a friend or neighbor where you are going, bring water, snacks, hand warmers, and dress for the weather in layers as you will most likely warm up on your walk. If possible, snowshoe with a buddy as it is more fun that way!
  • Know the trail or area your using and hike out before dusk.
  • Warm up by stretching your arms and legs.

Tackling Hills

  • Avoid traveling straight up or down hills. Climb or descend hills by walking at an angle. A 45 degree angle is recommended. If the hill is very steep or perhaps icy, kick your snowshoes into the snow and use your toe crampons to grip.
  • Use poles for extra stability. Hiking or cross country ski poles will help when climbing or descending hills. Your arms can also get a work out by using poles.


  • Don’t over tighten the straps on your snowshoes. Your feet may become cold quickly.
  • If the first time on snowshoes, start out slow so you get the feel of your snowshoes, starting on a packed, flat trail.
  • Avoid obstacles. Don’t partially step on a log or rock as you could break or damage your snowshoes. Use your poles if you have them and step over any obstacles in the trail.
  • Try backing up in your snowshoes and you might find yourself in the snow. Travel in a mini circle to turn around.


Snowshoe History and Uses:

From Europe to North America to Asia, people began using snowshoes over 4,000 years ago out of a basic need to explore new territories and to find food in the winter. With vast regions of the world snowbound for much of the year, hunters looked to emulate successful winter travelers like the snowshoe hare, whose over-sized feet enabled them to move quickly over deep snow.

Northeastern tribes such as the Huron and Algonquin had great success using snowshoes for winter travel. Trappers, hunters and surveyors, soon adopted snowshoes as their own. The earliest snowshoes were over seven feet long, but were helpful in navigating through deep, powdery snow.

In the early 1900s, people who no longer had to trap or hunt for food began to take to the woods for pure enjoyment and exercise, and the recreational sport of snowshoeing was born.

Today companies such as Tubbs Snowshoes or more locally, Iversons Snowshoes offer snowshoes in many different styles, colors, and sizes to fit any outdoor enthusiast.

Get some exercise and fresh air while enjoying the beauty of the woods in Winter!

snowshoe people