In Search of Evening Owls
Jan 8: **Registration is now closed for this program. **
Friday, January 10th at 6:30 pm. At MooseWood Nature Center. This program is by registration only. See below for details.
Board Member and bird enthusiast, Scot Stewart will begin with an introduction to the unique hunters themselves through a short 20-minute, in-door presentation. To be followed by car pooling from the nature center to the off-site location(s) where owls have recently been active.
We will call the owls and listen for their replies. We may hear Great Horned, Great Gray, Barred, or Saw-Whet owls. This time of year these mysterious birds make themselves known to each other by calling for mates and defining their territory. By late February, early March, mating pairs will be incubating a clutch of one to four eggs. That’s why Winter is the perfect time to hear owls “hooting!”
Suggested donation for the program is $5/person or $10/family. This program is recommended for adults and families. Please dress for the weather.
*Due to the popularity of this program, guests must register to attend this program. Registration includes the indoor presentation and the outing to find calling owls. Please register by Wednesday, January 8th by emailing moosewoodnc@gmail.com with the contact name and number attending the program.*